Organizing the biggest IT event in the most promising European country
IT is always about communities. Such was my thinking in the far year of 2011 when I created the first Moldovan IT community on Facebook — DeveloperMD. After a half-year of online activity we decided that we have to get together offline. Said and done: in September 2011 we had the first DeveloperMD Community Offline with approximately 40 participants. One week later me and my partner created a software development company — FusionWorks — this was inspired by the outcome of the first event. Already in November, now having FusionWorks as the main partner, we’ve organized the 2nd edition. At some point, due to the growing size of the event, we realized that it should be done once a year and eventually we had 11 editions so far. In 2018 the big change took place — event was extended to two days, the name was changed to Moldova Developer Conference and another, much bigger venue, was selected. This led to the increase of number of participants — 350 — which makes MDC the biggest IT conference for developers in the country. This year #MDC19 is planned for November 2–3 and we expect around 450 awesome people to attend. So let me tell you more about what is going to happen in 2019.
Why #MDC19 is cool
Well, let’s count:
- It’s the biggest IT event for developers in the country.
- It has thoroughly selected content (speakers pass through a selection process and are trained by professionals).
- Each conference day is followed by amazing afterparty or wine tasting event (yep, Moldova is about wine and IT — not sure which one comes first).
- The entrance fee is more than affordable (thanks to our partners!).
- Theory is not everything, we have practical workshops from international experts!
Still not sure? Just watch this video from 2018. Like it? Then read more below 🙂

How to get onboard
- Book the flight and accommodation (if you are not living here).
- Buy the ticket or apply as a speaker or partner.
- Get latest updates on our website and Facebook event page.
- Come to the event on November 2–3.
- Enjoy!

Why doing this?
Sometimes people ask: “Why are you doing this?”. The answer simple — we do it because we can. And because we love it! Having hundreds of bright eyes before you is the pleasure that can’t be denied. So we started in 2011 and are not going to stop.

Ok, let’s now learn more about the host country — Moldova — this small IT valley.
Top 3 facts about Moldova
- Moldova is not Maldives. Often mail delivery companies send parcels to the wrong country. Moldova has around 3.5 millions inhabitants and used to be USSR country until 1991. Official language is Romanian/Moldovan (the same language but is called differently in official documents). Also people understand and speak Russian here. Most of IT geeks speak English fluently, taxi drivers — not.
- Moldova has a very attractive IT sector — companies pay unique 7% tax that transforms BRUT into NET. IT sector capacity is about 10 000 specialists. Most of the companies are outsourcing ones and offer very attractive rates.
- The highest peak in Moldova is 428 meters high and the author of this article has never climbed that hill. Despite the fact that he has been to Everest BC, Kilimanjaro, Elbrus, Kazbek, Mitikas/Olimp and many others.
See you in the most promising IT country in Europe!
Anton Perkin, CEO at FusionWorks