01 Manifesto, Mission, Values Culture Code


We build a no-bullshit company. No secrets, no lies, transparent, accountable, driven by facts, respectful to all. Openness in every aspect.

We love being tech-oriented and this infuses everything we do.

We believe being people-centric motivates and inspires much better than policies and control.

We are committed to being learning-driven, changing with the world, changing the world.

Our Mission

To develop high-tech products the world and future you will be proud of
  • Shared understanding in every aspect

    Nobody has a monopoly on the truth. Decisions are made together and actions are reasoned on all the levels.
  • People over processes

    We encourage independent decision-making and believe in the power of freedom and responsibility.
  • Building quality products

    The things we do determine who we are, create our reputation step by step and reflect our eternal pursuit of excellence.
  • Sharing is caring

    We share our experience — successes and failures — to help others learn and grow.
  • Learning never stops

    We believe gaining knowledge is a continuous process and help you invest in your education for mutual benefit.
  • Building long-term relationships

    Both our employees and clients are the people we want to work with long-term.
  • Embracing challenges

    We say interesting instead of complicated, challenging instead of impossible.
  • Learn, make impact, have fun

    We always support initiative, awareness, quality, spirit and creativity. As simple as it sounds.